Interview Hub
Job Applications Made Easy
AI-generated resumes, cover letters, and mock interviews.
Tired of getting ghosted?
Over 75% of resumes get rejected by Applicant Tracking Systems. Our resumes are designed to pass these.
Based on recruiter feedback, we quickly generate different resumes geared specifically for the job you're applying to.
Cover Letters
Annoyed by having to write another cover letter? Copy & Paste the job description to generate 3 cover letters you can immediately use on LinkedIn.
Mock Interviews
Need to practice soft skills? Copy & Paste a job description to generate real-world mock interviews you can answer with video.
Job Board
With our built in job board, apply to jobs chosen specifically for the languages and frameworks you know best.
Get immediate feedback on your interview answers and suggestions to improve your answers.
AI Assistant
Ask any questions you have related to your resume, cover letters, interviews, and applications.
Lifetime ProPlan
$97 once
- 100 Resumes
- 100 Cover Letters
- 50 Mock Interviews
- AI Assistant
- Email Support
- Chat Support
How does it work?
Simply copy & paste a job description into Interview Hub's dashboard and a resume and cover letter will be generated for you. Then, you can take mock video interviews to prepare and practice your soft skills.
Can I download my resumes?
Yes, you can download your resumes anytime after saving them and export them as .docx and .pdf formats. We recommend mass applying with the .docx file and only using .pdf when sending your resume directly to recruiters in a direct message.
What happens when I cancel?
When you cancel your membership, you will no longer be charged and all of your data will be permanently deleted at the end of your billing period.
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